Appointments for the 2022-2023 Academy year have been finalized. Applicants will now be considered for the 2023-2024 Academy year.

Becoming a member of an AAPD Council or Committee is a great way to make a difference in pediatric dentistry. If you are interested in volunteering on an AAPD Council or Committee, please complete the AAPD Council/Committee Volunteer form. Remember to upload you CV!

Council/Committee positions are one year appointments that can be reappointed for up to six years. You must be able to commit to a full year of service. See below for the responsibilities of being a committee member.

The appointment process is an annual cycle. The AAPD President-Elect is responsible for making appointments for the next Academy year (the year in which he or she will be president). Beginning at the Annual Session, the president-elect gathers information about members' term limits, council and commmittee needs, and so on.

Because Council membership is district-based, the president-elect will consult with the district trustees to get recommendations to fill vacancies. Committee membership is often more skill-based, so the chairs' recommendations are sought for vacancies in committees.

Timeline: The President-elect submits a draft appointment list to the board at its winter meeting in January, where the board members' advice is sought on any remaining vacancies. Appointments are finalized in March. The term of service begins in May.

Don't forget your State or District chapter! They also need volunteers to get the work done! If you can't find contact information for your state or district on the website, please call Lee Gonzalez at the headquarters office for current contact information.

Council Committee Member Responsibilities

  1. All members must have access to e-mail.
  2. Attendance at all meetings of the respective council/committee is a primary obligation of all members. Ability to fulfill this obligation should be carefully evaluated before accepting appointment. All councils/committees meet in conjunction with the AAPD annual session. Additional meetings may be conducted as necessary throughout the year. Council and committee members are expected to attend the annual session.
  3. Members may receive special assignments from the chair and should respond promptly to assignments.
  4. Each member should evaluate carefully all materials received in the course of assignments and forward comments to the chair in a timely manner.
  5. Developing new ideas and suggestions and the transmittal of information relating to council/committee activities to other members and the chair are on-going responsibilities of each member. This should be a spontaneous activity.
  6. A member who has not participated in committee activities or who finds it difficult to assume responsibility for productivity should consider relinquishing the appointment.
  7. A member is responsible for obtaining the views of colleagues on matters pertaining to council/committee activities and transmitting this information to the chair. The member must also assume responsibility for keeping colleagues informed about such activities in order to stimulate discussion and understanding at the local level.

AAPD Councils and Committees