Residents Committee

The vision of the Residents Committee is to evaluate, address, and support the needs and desires of residents in order to establish a lifelong relationship with the AAPD.

The duties of the Pediatric Dental Residents Committee, as listed in the AAPD Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual, are to:

  1. Provide a forum for residents issues and a communications mechanism to link residents across the country
  2. Facilitate opportunities for residents to contribute to AAPD activities and initiatives
  3. Assist residents education about the AAPD as well as current issues facing pediatric dentistry on a local, national, and global level
  4. Cultivate future pediatric dentistry leaders.

As you continue your residency program in Pediatric Dentistry, the AAPD wants to help! If you have questions for the resident committee contact them at

Some of the most valuable tools and references for residents can be found through the AAPD publications and the AAPD website. Here is a summary of some of the materials that will help you as you begin your program:

AAPD Meetings Calendar

Continuing education courses and other events are listed online on the AAPD Meetings Calendar, including Lobby Day, Annual Session, and comprehensive review courses for the Board exam.

AAPD Journals

There are two peer-reviewed scientific journals published by the AAPD:

Pediatric Dentistry is published bimonthly. Articles include scientific topics, case reports, and abstracts of current research. The journal is hosted online, and members receive copies via mail and full-text access to electronic archives.

Click here for more information on Pediatric Dentistry.

Journal of Dentistry for Children is published electronically three times per year. Members have full-text online access to issues of this journal dating back to 2002.

Click here for more information on Journal of Dentistry for Children.

Both of these journals will benefit you as you complete your residency program. Pediatric Dentistry in particular is a commonly cited publication that will become part of your regular reading.

Reference Manual

The annually updated AAPD Reference Manual will become one of your primary references during your residency program. As an AAPD Member, you will receive a printed copy with your subscription to Pediatric Dentistry and receive access to the full text online.


AAPD Career Center

AAPD is pleased to announce that AAPD Career Center has launched with a new look and enhanced features to help employers post jobs and job seekers find jobs.  This updated version of our classified ads streamlines the process and matches the best candidates with the best jobs quicker than ever before.Please take a few moments to create an account on the new AAPD Career Center by going to to post your profile and resume for employers to search.


Board Review Material

Attending the Comprehensive Review Course can be another useful tool for residents who are studying for the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Qualifying Exam. They can be purchased in our Education Passport or by attending one of the Comprehensive Review of Pediatric Dentistry courses offered by the AAPD twice each year.


AAPD Handbook

The AAPD Handbook is another primary reference for residents, as it encompasses much of the information found on the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Qualifying Exam. It's available as a DVD and book bundle from the AAPD Online store. The most recent edition also includes a mobile app for smartphones and tablets.

Residents Recognition Award

To promote greater awareness and interest in resident activities, the Resident Committee has begun a quarterly Recognition Award for Residents. Through this webpage, the committee will seek nominations for this award featuring residents doing innovative and interesting activities in their training programs. Winning residents will have their recognition published on the AAPD website and in PDT magazine on a quarterly basis. There is also a monetary prize for the resident selected for the award. Selection will be made by members of the Resident Committee, New Dentist Committee, and Board Liaisons. Guidelines for nomination and selection criteria can be found on the Resident Recognition Award online nomination form.

Spring 2019 Winners

Spring 2018 Winners

Spring 2017 Winners

Fall 2016 Winners

Spring 2015 Winners

Spring 2016 Winners

Spring 2014 Winners

Spring 2013 Winners

If you have additional information you think may pertain to pediatric dentistry residents, please contact AAPD Membership and Marketing Director Suzanne Wester (