Literature Reviews 
Autistic Disorder: A Review for the Pediatric Dentist 
By Ulrich Klein, Arthur J. Nowak

Scientific Articles 
Upper Airway Obstruction During Midazolam/Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Children With Enlarged Tonsils 
By Ronald S. Litman, Jennifer A. Kottra, Robert J. Berkowitz, Denham S. Ward

A Pharmacokinetic Study of Midazolam in Dogs: Nasal Drop Versus Atomizer Administration 
By R.J. Henry, N. Ruano, D. Casto, R.H. Wolf

An Analysis of Malocclusion in Children With Otitis Media 
By Scot Watase, Arthur P. Mourino, Gary A. Tipton

Preparation and Beliefs of Graduate of a Predoctoral Infant Oral Health Clinical Program 
By Angela Wandera, Robert J. Feigal, Thomas Green

Color Change and Fracture Resistance of Two Preveneered Stainless-steel Crowns After Sterilization 
By George T. Wickersham, N. Sue Seale, Howard Frysh

Performance of Sealants Applied to First Permanent Molars in a Dental School Setting 
By Thomas J. Gale, Carole McKnight Hanes, David R. Myers, Carl M. Russell

Subtraction Radiography of Dentinal Caries-like Lesions Induced In Vitro by Cariogenic Bacteria 
By G.E. Minah, R.H. Vandre, R .Talaksi

Case Reports 
Cohen Syndrome With Neutropenia-induced Periodontitis Managed With Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF): Case Reports 
By W. Kim Seow, P.M. Bartold, Y.H. Thong, K. Taylor

Delayed Dental Development in a Patient With Gorlin Syndrome: Case Report 
By Scott H. Rosenblum

Severe Hypoxia Following Local Anesthesia in a Sedated Patient: Case Report 
By Malka Ashkenazi, Beatrice P. Greenberg, Haim Sarnat

Gender Shift in Pediatric Dentistry 
By Milton I. Houpt