Scientific Articles
Dental Caries in HIV-infected Children: A Longitudinal Study
By M. John Hicks, Catherine M. Flaitz, A. Bruce Carter, Stanley G. Cron, Susan N. Rossmann, Cara L. Simon, Gail J. Demmler, Mark W. Kline
A Comparison of Periodontal Disease in HIV-infected Children and Household Peers: A Two-year Report
By Diane H. Schoen, Patricia A. Murray, Evelyn Nelson, Frank A. Catalanotto, Ralph V. Katz, Daniel H. Fine
Pre-eruptive Intracoronal Resorption as an Entity of Occult Caries
By W. Kim Seow
Influence of Colonization With Mutans Streptococci on Caries Risk in Japanese Preschool Children: Twenty-four-month Survival Analysis
By Toshihiro Ansai, Asako Tahara, Masato Ikeda, Yasuhiro Katoh, Hideo Miyazaki, Tadamichi Takehara
Microbial Contamination of Toothbrushes and Their Decontamination
By Paulo Nelson Filho, Soraia Macari, Gisele Faria, Sada Assed, Izabel Yoko Ito
Dental Maturity in Children With Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
By A. Kostara, G.J. Roberts, M. Gelbier
Factors Affecting Dentifrice Use and Ingestion Among a Sample of U.S. Preschoolers
By Steven M. Levy, Jodi A. McGrady, Patita Bhuridej, John J. Warren, Judy R. Heilman, James S. Wefel
Oral Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preventive Practices of Third Grade Schoolchildren
By Erica R. Oliveira, Sena Narendran, Dan Williamson
Eruption of the Primary Dentition in Human Infants: A Prospective Descriptive Study
By Sarah A. Hulland, James O. Lucas, Melissa A. Wake, Kylie D. Hesketh
Case Reports
Adverse Reaction to Amoxicillin: A Case Report
By Marcio A. da Fonseca
Clinical Section
Web Site Setup for Pediatric Dentists: A Framework
By S.M. Hashim Nainar
Correction of Ectopic Eruption of Permanent Molars Utilizing the Brass Wire Technique
By Ari Kupietzky
Treatment Alternatives for Sublingual Traumatic Ulceration (Riga-Fede Disease)
By Rebecca L. Slayton
Pediatric Oral Pathology
Oral Lymphoepithelial Cyst in a Young Child
By Catherine M. Flaitz
Child Advocacy Does Work
By Milton I. Houpt