Case Reports 
Dental Caries in Adolescents Associated With Caffeinated Carbonated Beverages 
By Robert F. Majewski

Scientific Articles 
The Sensitivity and Specificity of Clinical Assessment Compared With Bitewing Radiography for Detection of Occlusal Dentin Caries 
By Matthew S, Fracaro, W. Kim Seow, Lynette H. McAllan, David M. Purdie

A Survey of Pediatric Dentists’ Management of Dental Caries in Children Three Years of Age or Younger 
By N. Sue Seale, Alice G. Kendrick

Alternative Method of Hemorrhage Control in Full Strength Formocresol Pulpotomy 
By Kimberly S. Thompson, N. Sue Seale, Martha E. Nunn, Gene Huff

A Comparison of Two Oral Ketamine-Diazepam Regimens for the Sedation of Anxious Pediatric Dental Patients 
By Deborah C. Sullivan, Carolyn F.G. Wilson, Michael D. Webb

Demineralization Around Orthodontic Brackets Bonded With Resin-modified Glass Ionomer Cement and Fluoride-releasing Resin Composite 
By Rebecca M. Wilson, Kevin J. Donly

A Survey of Local and Topical Anesthesia Use by Pediatric Dentists in the United States 
By Kavita Kohli, Peter Ngan, Richard Crout, Christopher C. Linscott

Clinical Section 
Dentinogenesis Imperfecta: An Early Treatment Strategy 
By Shabtai Sapir, Joseph Shapira

Combined Orthodontic and Restorative Care of Early Childhood Caries and Anterior Crossbite: A Case Report 
By M-Reza Nouri, David B. Kennedy

Appliance for Chronic Drooling in Cerebral Palsy Patients 
By Charlie J. Inga, Anil K. Reddy, Stanley A. Richardson, Brian Sanders

Placement of a Preformed Indirect Resin Composite Shell Crown: A Case Report 
By John Updyke, W. Dan Sneed

Oral Pathology 
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Clinical Evaluation of One Hundred Thirty-four Pediatric Cases 
By Zenaida Elvira S. Cuisia, Robert B. Brannon

Traumatic Herniation of the Buccal Fat Pad 
By Norio Horie, Tetsuo Shimoyama, Takahiro Kaneko, Fumio Ide

Delayed Tooth Eruption Associated With an Ameloblastic Fibro-odontoma 
By Catherine M. Flaitz, John Hicks

Delayed Tooth Eruption: Association With Severity of HIV Infection 
By Mary J. Hauk, Mark E. Moss, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Robert J. Berkowitz

Soft Tissue Is Not Just Kleenex 
By Milton I. Houpt