Why I Continue to Support Community Water Fluoridation 
By Herschel S. Horowitz

Scientific Articles 
Pacifier Use and the Occurrence of Otitis Media in the First Year of Life 
By John J. Warren, Steven M. Levy, H. Lester Kirchner, Arthur J. Nowak, George R. Bergus

Reasons for Dental Extractions in Children 
By Tariq Alsheneifi, Christopher V. Hughes

Antimicrobial Effect of Fluoride Mouthrinse on Mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli in Saliva 
By Akihiro Yoshihara, Shihoko Sakuma, Seigo Kobayashi, Hideo Miyazaki

Indicators of Mandibular Dental Crowding in the Mixed Dentition 
By Luciana Melo, Yoshiaki Ono, Yuzo Takagi

Vertical Changes in Class III Patients After Maxillary Protraction With Expansion in the Primary and Mixed Dentitions 
By Marc Saadia, Edgar Torres

News Release 
NIH Consensus Development Conference: Diagnosis and Management of Dental Caries Throughout Life 
By National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference.

Clinical Section 
Placement of a Preformed Indirect Resin Composite Shell Crown: A Case Report 
By John Updyke, W. Dan Sneed

One-step Etch/Primer for Bracket Bonding 
By James A. Bond, Theodore P.Croll

Anterior Esthetic Fixed Appliances for the Preschooler: Considerations and a Technique for Placement 
By William F. Waggoner, Ari Kupietzky

Aided Augmentative Communication in Managing Children With Cerebral Palsy 
By Wina Edriani Darwis, Louise Brearley Messer

Oral Pathology 
The Investigation of Major Salivary Gland Agenesis: A Case Report 
By T.A. Hodgson, R. Shah, S.R. Porter

Compound Odontoma – Diagnosis and Treatment: Three Case Reports 
By Branca Heloísa de Oliveira, Vera Campos, Sonia Marçal

Parotitis as the Initial Sign of Juvenile Sjögren’s Syndrome 
By Catherine M. Flaitz

Literature Reviews 
Natal and Neonatal Teeth: Review of the Literature 
By Robson Frederico Cunha, Farli Aparecida Carrilho Boe, Dione Dias Torriani, Wanda Terezinha Garbeline Frossard

Insurance Fraud 
By Milton I. Houpt